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Movento renews official sponsorship of CE Sabadell FC until 2024
7 July 2023
The Movento logo will take pride of place on the shirts worn by the players of CE Sabadell FC for the 2023-2024 season.

The Movento logo will take pride of place on the shirts worn by the players of CE Sabadell FC for the 2023-2024 season. The private mobility division of Moventia has once again renewed its sponsorship agreement with the local football club, thereby maintaining a relationship that has linked the two century-old organisations since 2021.

The most important change to the agreement is that, for the first time, Movento will include its brand on the home and away shirts worn by the first team. The Movento image will appear on the back of the shirts, just below the player number.

The agreement renewal ceremony was presided over by Miquel Martí Pierre, CEO of Movento, and Pau Morilla-Giner, President of CE Sabadell FC. It was also attended by Ana Navés, Vice-President of the club, Bruno Batlle, Managing Director, Jordi Domènech, General Manager of Movento Sarsa and David Martínez, Head of Marketing at Movento, among others.

The partnership with the group also includes a commercial agreement with Movento and five of its brands in the automotive sector: Movento Auser, Movento Stern, Movento Sarsa, Renault Trucks and Movento Auto Selección. Part of the new agreement also includes a major presence for the brand at the Nova Creu Alta stadium, accompanied by a series of events for CE Sabadell club members on match days.

New shirt for 2023-2024

At the same time, CE Sabadell FC officially presented its shirts for the new season, which have been designed by club members as part of the 120th anniversary celebrations. During the course of the event, it was revealed that the Movento and CERBA International brands will appear on the kits.