The #PremiIMPULSA and #PremiEMPRESACULTURA awards were presented on 4 February during an event held at the Old Estrella Damm Brewery that was attended by the Culture Councillor, Ms. Àngels Ponsa. On behalf of Moventia, Silvia Martí was honoured with a seat on the panel.
The EMPRESA CULTURA Prize [CULTURE COMPANY] was given for the first time by the Catalonia Culture Foundation to raise the profile of a company engaged in action that is committed and contributes to culture with a regional impact.
The panel particularly valued its regional scope, great social impact and contribution to motivating multiple pro-culture initiatives beyond the boundaries of its corporate purpose.
Through this recognition, the Catalonia Culture Foundation seeks to thank the world of business for its contribution to culture, an essential sector that is currently experiencing some very tough times due to the pandemic.
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Moventia at the awards: #PremiIMPULSA and #PremiEMPRESACULTURA
11 February 2021
The #PremiIMPULSA and #PremiEMPRESACULTURA awards were presented on 4 February during an event held at the Old Estrella Damm Brewery that was attended by the Culture Councillor, Ms. Àngels Ponsa. On behalf of Moventia, Silvia Martí was honoured with a seat on the panel. The…