Our development is fuelled by innovation
We believe innovation is an intrinsic element that cuts across everything we do and is key to our success.
Every day, we apply the latest digital solutions and technology to help guarantee the safety of our employees and users; offer an easy, streamlined, comfortable travel experience; and improve all the company’s internal processes.

We guarantee the safety of our employees and users


Lifelong learning and simulator practice for drivers

Breath-alcohol ignition interlock devices

Driver fatigue controls

Accident-detection system using AI or computer vision

Vehicle occupancy controls

Customer experience

Contactless technology

Digital experience

Journey planner

Real-time information

Integrated transport card

Management centre for traffic information and customer service

Process automation and improvement

Digitalised internal processes, on-board information, flow of communication and accident controls

Public-transport data provider and operations control centre

Technology to manage on-demand transport

Digital control and automation of driver and vehicle regulatory compliance