Equality, diversity and inclusion
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We seek to guarantee an inclusive and non-discriminatory work environment.
Based on the commitment to SDG 5 on equality that we have built into our business, Moventia seeks to guarantee an inclusive and non-discriminatory work environment.
Our purpose is reflected in our internal recruitment and promotion processes, our use of inclusive language, our contracting and remuneration, and our application of various protocols to cases of abuse or any form of discrimination.

Commitment to guaranteeing equality between men and women at all group companies
The corporate social responsibility policies in place at Moventia include a commitment to guaranteeing equality between men and women at all group companies in order to obtain maximum staff satisfaction while enhancing their skills and abilities. The company’s Equal Opportunities Plans were presented and registered in 2022 according to Spanish Royal Decrees 901/2020 and 902/2020.
Mechanisms to prevent sexual harassment
One result of the corporate purpose is that every group company has mechanisms in place to prevent sexual harassment and is governed by equal access to employment, professional classification, training and promotion, as well as equal pay and work-life balance for all employees.

The equal opportunities management system of Moventia has been certified with the SGI 20.10 seal.
Diversity Charter
As part of our goal to foster the fundamental principles of equality, diversity and inclusion, Moventia has signed the Diversity Charter promoted by the Diversity Foundation.
Through this initiative, Moventia has committed to ensuring compliance with its 10 principles:
To raise awareness about the principles of equal opportunity and respect for diversity, incorporating them as values at our company and communicating them to our staff.
To make progress on building a diverse workforce by encouraging the inclusion of people with diverse profiles regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ethnic background, nationality, origin, religion, beliefs, age, disability or any other personal or social situation.
To promote inclusion for the entire workforce, fostering effective integration and preventing all forms of direct or indirect discrimination at work.
To consider diversity issues in all people management policies, managing it across the board as the basis for all decision-making in this area.
To promote work-life balance and co-responsibility through balance in the time dedicated to work, family and leisure, establishing mechanisms that enable work life to take place in harmony with family and personal life for the entire workforce.
To recognise customer diversity as a source of innovation and development.
To extend and communicate the group’s commitment to all staff, involving the entire company in the responsibility assumed by signing the Diversity Charter.
To extend and communicate the corporate commitment to suppliers, inviting them to join the community of companies that voluntarily sign the Diversity Charter in Spain.
To convey and communicate this commitment to third parties: public authorities, business organisations, trade unions and other social stakeholders.
To communicate the D&I policies and the results obtained via the website, the company’s annual report, events, etc.